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Arsenic: Even After Two Decades the Crisis of Clean Water Carries on

The Nagar Amrul village in the Amrul Union, in Bogura’s Shahjahanpur Upazila, is heavily affected by arsenic pollution. Almost two decades ago, 95% of the village’s tube well was detected with arsenic. But in the Amrul Union, not just this village, 12 more villages are at risk of arsenic. Amongst these Nagar Amrul has the most severe case. At present, at least 30 women, men, and children are affected by it. 

There has been even a death caused by arsenic. But that’s not all, consequently, at least seven of the villager have died from it. Nonetheless, uncontaminated water is scarce there. Hundreds of villagers drink the poisonous water knowingly. And so, they suffer from various diseases caused by it. 

Assaduzzaman Atol, the former chairman of the Amrul Union, says that it has been a long time now the Amrul Union is suffering from arsenic. Of 19 villages of the Union, 13 of them have it and almost four thousand families are facing this dire situation. And just in Nagar Amrul village alone, 700 families are in danger of arsenic. This was the village where it all started two decades ago. 

Besides Nagar Amrul, the villages that are facing the threat of arsenic are Polipolash, Narchi, Boronagar, Radhanagar, Govindapur, Khdro Phoolkot, Shoilodhukri, Jadobpur, Maria, Brishnapur, Rajarampur, and Rampur. Most of the tube wells of these villages have been detected with arsenic.

In a recent survey, there has been a conversation with former UP member Shahidul Islam. Four of his family members are suffering from arsenic poison. They are his two wives Hasna Hena (60) and Ruby Begum (45). The other two are his son Imran Hossen (15) and his daughter Saleha Khatun (23). 

Hasna Hena and Ruby Begum have been suffering from it for two years. And a couple of weeks earlier, Imran and Saleha contracted it. Saleha contracted it while she was visiting her father’s house. 


Some of the arsenic-affected villagers of Nagar Amrul || Photo: Masum Hossain

Ruby Begum says that after being affected with arsenic, her whole body aches. The sores get itchy. “I am getting treatment locally but to no avail,” she says. She adds, “ We are not getting any help from the government.” The same thing was said by Hasna Hena. She, too, is suffering quietly.

In the same village, there are 65 years old Shaheda Begum, 60 years old Rasheda Begum, 35 years old Shokhina, and 62 years old Hena Begum, all of whom are suffering from it. They have dark and bumpy patches all over their bodies. 

The former UP member of the Amrul Union also said, “It’s not just my family suffering from arsenic, at least 30 of the villagers are facing this ordeal.” 

The farmer Zahidul Islam of the Nagar Amrul village said, “ We are knowingly drinking the arsenic-contaminated water. We have three deep tube wells (submersible pumps) in our village. With that, only a handful of families can get safe drinking water. And we are not among them. ”

The former chairman Atol of the Amrul Union said, “ Because Amrul Union is heavily affected by arsenic, Japan International Co-operation along with the funding of 2018-19 fiscal year of Bangladesh Government, 10 submersible pumps were placed that took more than 40 lakhs taka. With that, 400 families of the four thousand arsenic-affected ones are provided with clean water. The rest of the families are still in jeopardy.” 

He later added, “Amongst the 700 families, only 100 families are getting uncontaminated drinkable water.” 

Seven Deaths from Arsenic Poison

In two decades, of men and women, seven have died from arsenic poisoning. Among them, five belong to the same family.

They are Abdul Kuddus Fakir, his first wife Johura Begum, his second wife Ambia Khatun, his son Abdur Rashid and Abdur Rashid’s wife Kamrunnahar. The other two are Afsar Molla and Abdul Jalil. 

The former UP members of Amrul Union Shahidul Islam and Obaidur Rahman inform that almost two decades ago, Jahura Begum was the first one to die from arsenic in Amrul village. Immediately after that, the tube wells of the village were identified as having arsenic. Later through the decades, six more have died.

Sabrina Rashid Sheonti, Water Resource Engineer (Metric Solution) of Canada, says, “Arsenic is a material that is embedded below the earth. When this mineral contracts the underground water level,  in water, the amount of arsenic rises. If a tube well is detected with it, the water is unsafe to drink. It causes severe health risks.” 

Nahida Sultana, a doctor working at the Dinajpur M. Abdur Rahim Medical College, says,
“ Long exposure to drinking water containing arsenic causes liver cirrhosis, kidney damage, and various skin disease. It may even lead to death. If affected with arsenic, the patient should include nutritious food containing vitamins A, C, and E in their diets. Along with that, water containing arsenic must be avoided.”

Md. Abul Kalam Azad, the Executive Engineer of the Department of Public Health Engineering in Bogura, said, “ The people of Amrul Union are at risk of arsenic poisoning. We are aware that the 10 submersible pumps placed there are not enough. Soon more submersible pumps will be installed there according to the needs. After that, there will be no crisis of clean water there.”

Md. Imran Hossain, a certified SEO Fundamental, Google Analytics, and Google Ads Specialist from Bangladesh, has over five years of experience in WordPress website design, SEO, social media marketing, content creation, and YouTube SEO, with a YouTube channel with 20K subscribers.

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