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Indian Man Travels 8,640 Kilometers on Foot for Hajj

Metropolis Desk- 

A person from India has realized a longtime desire by traveling 8,640 kilometers by foot from his village in Kerala to Makkah for the Hajj. To go from Kerala to Makkah in one year and 17 days, Shihabudeen Sayid Alawi, commonly known as Shihab Chottur, had to travel via five nations: India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait. He left Kerala on June 2, 2022.

“I arrived at the Kuwaiti-Saudi border at 5:17 a.m. on a Ramadan day. I knelt and touched the Saudi Arabian sands,” Alawi said. 

Alawi initially went to Madinah. “Once I arrived at the Prophet’s Mosque, I had the impression that my voyage was over. After visiting the Rawdah, I felt confident that I would be able to travel to Makkah and complete the Hajj.”

Alawi forgot all the difficulties and tribulations he had faced during the arduous year-long trek until he arrived in Makkah. He “prayed for hours” in front of the Kaaba for people who had begged for prayers and had provided him assistance. I prayed for the whole of the Muslim Ummah. In describing his voyage, Alawi said: “In India and Pakistan, people rallied around me and supported me. No one knew who I was in Iran or Iraq, but as I entered Kuwait, individuals who had heard about my journey began contacting me, requesting to see me, and showing their support.

Every nation I visited had politicians, the police, the military, and people who recognized me inviting me to stay at their houses.

The 31-year-old father of three girls claimed that it took him a whole year to get ready for the challenging trip. Alawi visited diplomatic missions in New Delhi to secure visas so he could travel easily through all the nations he needed to pass through.

“In every country, I had a legitimate visa. I was granted an entry visa for Iran, a transit visa for Pakistan, clearance from Kuwaiti authorities, and a multiple-entry visa for Saudi Arabia. The local authorities welcomed me with open arms. I was given all the necessary resources to undertake the Hajj by one of the Hajj service providers who gave me an A-category. This demonstrates the immense love that the Saudi government has for all Hajj travelers. I’m appreciative,” he said.

A hiking stick, a rucksack with four outfits, pepper spray to ward off animals, an extra pair of shoes, utensils, official papers, and some cash for the Hajj were all that the minimalist traveler had with him.

“Because it was monsoon season in India, I wore six pairs of branded walking shoes before entering Pakistan. I only used one pair after that till I got to Madinah.”

“I used money from my savings for this trip, but I could hardly use that money as my Muslim brothers from all the countries I have crossed took good care of me all the time,” he claimed.

Alawi shed 18 kg while on his solitary walking journey. He claimed to solely consume traditional foods, calling them “good for (the) soul and body.”

“No special foods or proteins. I would eat halal food if I could. I felt completely at ease and ease in my mind.

Alawi faced numerous perils from nature while traveling and learning about various cultures and cuisines.

“There were many frightening situations, mostly because wild animals like tigers, bears, and others were nearby. I discovered some wild animal footprints in Iran, and I captured the scene using the camera on my phone. But it wasn’t until I showed it to several locals that I recognized they were tiger footprints. I started to feel afraid after that occurrence,” he claimed.

“In Iran, it was a different experience because I had to walk across the entire country by myself in the snow, and the weather was constantly changing, which was the main challenge,” he continued.

“I once stayed with shepherds on a goat farm. In Iran and Iraq, people who welcomed me into their houses provided me with food and lodging even though I am a Muslim traveler.”

Alawi was inspired by his unwavering belief in and confidence in Allah. “My dream was to travel to Makkah and Madinah, and I aimed to do so on foot. I worked hard to achieve my goal and I constantly kept it in front of me.”

Alawi claimed he wished to serve as an example for others. “This voyage served as an inspiration for the Hajj for many others. I want to encourage others to make the pilgrimage to Mecca no matter what since it is a holy tradition.

Alawi frequently posted tidbits about his voyage on social media; he has more than 4.9 million Instagram followers, 1.5 million YouTube subscribers, and a verified Facebook profile.

Source – Arab News

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