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US Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine

Distinctive marks from a cluster munition on the roof of a car next to a playground in Kharkiv

Metropolis Desk- 

The US has declared that they’re supplying Ukraine with contentious cluster munitions in response to their request.

Since the weapon is prohibited in more than 100 nations, the decision has drawn criticism from human rights organizations.

Cluster munitions are a way to disperse numerous small bomblets over a vast area from a rocket, missile, or artillery shell that distributes them in mid-flight.

They are designed to explode upon impact, but a sizeable percentage of them are “duds,” meaning they don’t burst at first. This seems to happen more frequently when they land on soft or damp terrain.

Later, when picked up or walked on, they may explode, killing or injuring the victim.

When deployed against encamped ground troops in trenches and fortified positions, they can be dreadfully successful from a military standpoint, making enormous regions too unsafe to move about in until thoroughly removed.

The Convention on Cluster Munitions is an international agreement that prohibits the use and stockpiling of these weapons because of their indiscriminate impact on civilian populations. More than 100 nations have joined it, including the UK, France, and Germany.

As the bomblets can resemble a little toy left in a residential or agricultural area and are frequently picked up out of curiosity, children are especially vulnerable to injury.

Cluster munitions have been dubbed “abhorrent” and even a war crime by human rights organizations.

Cluster munitions have been used since the beginning of Russia’s extensive invasion in February 2022 by both Russia and Ukraine.

Neither has consented to the treaty that forbids them. The US hasn’t either, but it has previously criticized Russia for using the weapon extensively.

Russian cluster munitions are said to have a “dud rate” of 40%, which means that many of them are still dangerous on the ground. The average dud rate is thought to be around 20%.

The Pentagon calculates that the failure rate of its cluster bomblets is less than 3%.

The reason why Ukraine’s forces are so severely short on artillery rounds is largely because, like the Russians, they use them up at an astronomically high rate and Ukraine’s Western partners are unable to quickly replenish them.

Artillery has emerged as a crucial tool on the relatively static, monotonous battlefronts of southern and eastern Ukraine.

It will be difficult for the Ukrainians to push the Russian invaders from their fortified defensive positions along a 1,000 km (621 miles) long battlefront.

Ukraine has urged the US to restock its stockpiles of cluster munitions to target the Russian army manning all those defensive positions because there aren’t enough artillery shells available.

Many Democrats and proponents of human rights find this to be a very unpopular option for Washington. The discussion has been ongoing for at least a year.

The immediate result will be to undermine much of Washington’s moral position in this war.

The many alleged war crimes committed by Russia are widely known, but this action is sure to prompt criticism of US hypocrisy.

A large portion of the globe has outlawed cluster munitions because they are a horrible, indiscriminate weapon.

Any perceived break in that partnership is exactly what Russian President Vladimir Putin wants and needs, and this US decision will surely put it at odds with its Western allies.


Source- BBC News

Md. Imran Hossain, a certified SEO Fundamental, Google Analytics, and Google Ads Specialist from Bangladesh, has over five years of experience in WordPress website design, SEO, social media marketing, content creation, and YouTube SEO, with a YouTube channel with 20K subscribers.

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