Abrahamic religions are a group of religions that trace their origins back to the prophet Abraham. The three major Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which have a shared history, although they have significant theological and cultural differences.
Judaism is the oldest of the Abrahamic religions, whereas Islam is the latest. Although other religions, such as the Baháʼí Faith and Samaritanism, also trace their origins to Abraham, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are considered the major Abrahamic religions. Almost 55 percent of the world’s population belongs to these 3 religious beliefs. Comparison among these three major Abrahamic religions is provided here:
Name origin
The Hebrew word “Judah”, which means Judah’s descendants
The Greek word “Christos”, which means anointed
Arabic words “Al-Silm” and “Istaslama”, which mean peace and surrender
Conventional symbol
Star of David’s shield
The cross of Jesus
A crescent moon, and star
The first preacher
Founder preacher
Significant preacher
Noah, Solomon, David
Noah, Solomon, David
Nuh, Suleiman, Dawood
Main preacher
The last preacher
Women preachers
Yes (Seven)
View about Muhammad
Main and the last preacher
View about Moses (Musa)
Main preacher
Significant preacher
Significant preacher
View about Jesus (Isha)
Jesus is dead. He is not a preacher. He was born naturally.
Main preacher and the son of God. He sacrificed his human form, resurrected in his Godly form (almost 99.99 percent of Christians’ faith)
Significant preacher. He is the child of a virgin mother, Maryam. He is still alive.
View about Mary (Maryam)
She is neither a virgin mother nor God’s wife.
God’s wife.
Virgin mother of Isha (Jesus)
View about Malachi
The last preacher
One of the preachers
Not mentioned
View about John
False preacher
The last preacher
One of the preachers
Trinity Faith
The creator is one, he exists in three forms contemporarily –The Father (God), The Son (Jesus), and The Invisible Expressionless Power (Holy Spirit)
Significant colors
Blue and White
Blue and Red
Green, White, and Black
The main scripture
Tanakh or Torah (Written in Hebrew) -Prophet Moses’ advocacy
Bible (Multiple writers, mostly based on Jesus’ lifestyle and teachings)
First edition: Written in Hebrew
Second edition: Written in Greek
Quran Sharif (Written in Arabic)
Hazrat Muhammad PBUH advocacy
Remarkable details
Gospel (John, Luke, Matthew, Mark)
Six significant hadith books
Quran Sharif
The main scripture
The main scripture
A part of the Bible
Considers only the part of the Torah
The main scripture
Believe in the Torah (Torah) portion, the Psalm (Jabur) portion, and the Gospel of Jesus (Injil) portion.
Dietary rules
Same as Muslims, but drinking alcohol is acceptable. Pork is forbidden.
People accept all animals and alcohol consumption.
Same as Judaism, never eat pork, but alcohol is prohibited.
Male circumcision
Encouraged to do, but not necessary
Worship place
Important place
Western Wall (Jerusalem, Palestine)
Prescribed none (but Catholics’ significant place is the Vatican City, Italy)
Mecca in Saudia Arabia for The Kaaba Sharif. Also Medina and Jerusalem.
For Shias, Karbala (Iraq) too
Discouraged, but common in certain tribes
Forbidden, but common in Mormon tribes
Not forbidden, but less practiced.
Sacred place
Sacred place
Sacred place
The angel
Have will power
Have will power
No will power
The devil
A fallen male angel named Lucifer. His wife is Lilith (who was created before Eve/ Hawa), the first and ex-wife of Adam.
A fallen angel named Lucifer. His wife is Lilith (who was created before Eve/ Hawa), the first and ex-wife of Adam.
Christians believe in six other notable male evil entities too along with Lucifer.
The most powerful, but cursed Djinn, named Iblish.
They don’t believe in Lilith.
Never mentioned, but believes in ghost
Never mentioned, but believes in ghost
Believed as a race like a human, who has free will and are made of fire.
Never mentioned
Called as Antichrist
Three times a day, compulsory.
Some specific days are compulsory to fast.
Three times a day, but not compulsory.
Catholics believe praying in the church is compulsory, but do not set any specific time or date.
Some specific days are compulsory to fast.
Five times a day, compulsory.
The whole Arabic calendar month of Ramadan is compulsory to fast.
Sacred weekly day and prayer basis gathering
Saturday (The sabbath)
Sunday (lord’s day)
Friday (Jumma)
Hanukkah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Pessah, Purim
Easter, Christmas/ Epiphany, Halloween
Eid Ul Fitr And Eid Ul Adha.
For Shias, Ashura too
Greetings and acceptance
Shalom and Amen
Shalom and Amen
Salaam and Ameen
Prayer hall leader
The Rabbi (male) – allowed to have married life.
The Padre. The most respected one is called Bishop (male).
Followers call them Father; they are not allowed to perform a conjugal activity.
There are some lower rank female religious leaders in church too, called sisters. They are not allowed to have conjugal relations, but they are respected as God’s brides.
The Imam (male) – allowed to have a married life.
He performs the prayer as a leader of the hall.
Another notable person is Muezzin, who calls for prayer.
Creator’s name
He is male and the one. Sometimes he is shapeless and formless, sometimes he has shape and form.
Elohim (The God) and Jesus.
He is male and the one. Sometimes he is shapeless and formless, sometimes he has shape and form.
According to the Biblical point of view and Jewish mythology-
There are believed to be seven levels beneath the Earth’s surface, which are accessible underground. The human race resides on the surface, which is full of forests, mountains, rivers, and seas. However, humans can only reach a certain depth of the underworld, beyond which non-accessible levels begin. Each of the six levels below the surface is said to have a hell, but after the lowest level, Satan the devil, and cursed fallen angels reside.
On the surface, four invisible pillars hold up the dome-shaped visible sky, which contains stars. Above the visible sky, seven more levels of the sky are invisible. After the highest level of the sky, where the creator’s throne is located, there is a heavenly holy garden called the Garden of Eden, which is guarded by God’s beloved trustworthy divine angels.
The geocentric model of the universe as per the Biblical point of view (Source: Wiki)Ancient Hebrew Conception of the Universe (Image created by Jacob J. Prahlow, May 14, 2014)
The first level of the sky contains the moon, the second level has the planet Mercury, the third level has the planet Venus, the fourth level has the planet Mars, the fifth level has the Sun, the sixth level has the planet Jupiter, and the seventh level has the planet Saturn. Each sky, both the visible one and the invisible seven levels, has a heaven within it.
It is also believed that the entire surface of the earth is surrounded by massive, endless water bodies in the form of oceans, which extend underground. According to Judeo mythology, the heavens, the earth’s surface, earthly visible oceans, and the underworld are all surrounded by a firm body or solid wall. Beyond this wall is another massive body of water, the great heavenly ocean, and above it, there is God’s throne. The massive wall and great ocean have a gate that connects the earth with God’s throne.
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