Indian authorities have ordered an investigation into the stampede at the Maha Kumbh Mela Hindu festival that resulted in the deaths of dozens of devotees on Wednesday. Millions had gathered for a “holy dip” in the sacred river waters as part of the six-week event, officials reported.
Police confirmed that 30 people died in the crush at the world’s largest human gathering, with 90 others injured. However, sources told Reuters that the death toll may be closer to 40.
Witnesses described a powerful surge towards the rivers that caused devotees to fall on top of one another. Others reported that the closure of routes to the water led to the dense crowd coming to a halt, causing suffocation and people collapsing.
“The government has decided to conduct a judicial inquiry into the incident. A three-member judicial commission has been formed for this purpose,” said Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in a statement late on Wednesday.
“The judicial commission will examine the entire incident and submit its report to the state government within a set timeframe,” he added.
Officials noted that more than 76 million people had taken part in the ritual dip at the confluence of three sacred rivers in Prayagraj, located in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, until 8 p.m. (1430 GMT) on Wednesday alone.